Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ducks of Santa Ponca, Mallorca, Spain

YouTube: Iva Jasperson

Santa Ponca is a beautiful city not too fahr from Palma de Mallorca the capital city of Mallorca. It has many beautiful hotels with pools and amazing beaches with this turquoise blue water. I can say that the ducks from back home will be definitely yealous of the water these ducks have here. Well, I am yeallous of anybody who can stay here longer than normal vacation days and enjoy this place. The first day I get back home from vacation I miss being there..... well if I think about it, I kinda miss it already when I am dragging my luggage somewhere close to the airport and fahr from the beach but..... lol..... but you can not be on vacation all year long right..... or can you ? 🤔🤣

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